Wednesday, January 31, 2024

2024 Rolex 24 Hour Race

2024 Rolex 24 Hour Race
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My Unforgettable Weekend at the Rolex 24 in Daytona

This year's Rolex 24-hour race in Daytona was an adventure I'll never forget. My husband and I, along with our daughter and her boyfriend, made the trip to Orlando Florida for this thrilling event. We stayed in a room with a stunning ocean view at the Boardwalk Hotel on A1A. Waking up to watch the sunrise each morning was a special treat since we're more accustomed to sunsets back home in Southwest Florida.

We arrived on Friday afternoon, buzzing with excitement. Our first night tradition is always dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, and it didn't disappoint. The next day, Saturday, started with breakfast at IHOP - their gluten-free pancakes are a must for me! With full bellies, we headed to the track, hopping on the trams that took us straight to the infield. There, we got an up-close look at the sleek cars and focused drivers along pit road before the opening ceremonies kicked off.

One of the coolest things we did was sign the start-finish line, leaving our mark among the many racing fans. Then, we found our seats in the stands just in time for the roar of engines signaling the start of the race. After watching several laps, we couldn't resist visiting the nearest gift shop to grab some race swag. We also explored the museum and had a delicious dinner at PF Changs across from the track in Daytona One. To top it off, we enjoyed a refreshing cold brew from Foxtail Coffee Co.

The infield festivities were calling our names, so we took a spin on the Ferris wheel and strolled through the garages. As dusk fell, we returned to the stands, the perfect spot to watch the mesmerizing fireworks light up the night sky. Exhausted but happy, we retreated to our hotel to rest up for another day.

Sunday greeted us with another beautiful sunrise. After sharing breakfast at IHOP with our daughter and her boyfriend, they had to say goodbye. But for my husband and me, the race wasn't over. We zipped back to the track on the trams, eager to check out the car tents and pick up even more memorabilia. The highlight was watching the winners triumphantly roll into the winner's circle after the checkered flag waved.

Our journey didn't end there. We drove to Orlando and stayed at the Adventura, taking a bus to City Walk. Dinner at Mythos Restaurant in Islands of Adventure was fantastic, and a leisurely ferry ride brought us back to our resort. By then, we were ready to collapse into bed, utterly spent from the weekend's excitement.

Monday came too soon, and after grabbing Starbucks and breakfast in the lobby, we checked out, our hearts full of memories from an incredible race weekend. But the adventure wasn't over just yet! We had one more stop on our itinerary for our extended weekend adventure.

We set off to explore the Titanic Experience on International Drive. This had been on our must-do bucket list for ages, and we finally managed to fit it into our Orlando adventure. We were so excited to check out the exhibits, artifacts, and all the historical treasures. The Titanic Experience definitely did not disappoint and I recommend adding it to your itinerary the next time you're visiting Orlando. Afterwards, we couldn't resist picking up some swag from their gift shop, rounding off our trip with a little piece of history to take home.

As we drove back home, reflecting on the whirlwind of experiences, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the time spent with family and the new memories etched into our hearts. From the adrenaline-pumping Rolex 24 race to the serene sunrise views and the historical journey aboard the Titanic Experience, this weekend was more than just a getaway; it was a treasure trove of moments that will last a lifetime. If you ever get the chance to attend the Rolex 24 or visit Daytona Beach, take it! It's an adventure that's sure to leave you with unforgettable stories to tell. Maybe we'll see you there next year!

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